podcast PROMoTION

From talking,
to trending

What good is a podcast or event if your audience never knows about it? We'll help you get the word out in all the right ways.

How we help promote you

Let's do this! We'll help you get everything in order. Like what, you ask?

Intro / Outro & background music
SEO preparation
Submitting to all major platforms
Full production of Trailer Episode

You have to look the part. Here's what we'll do, branding-wise.

Create a logo for your show or event
Provide you with the font, colors
Give you all of the digital files you need to roll out your brand

A website is a podcast's BFF

SquareSpace Podcast landing page including*
Where to listen
About the host
Contact page

Creating conversations is all we talk about

We'll research your industry and provide our marketing expertise to help your audience grow.
Linkedin post & Graphic promotion the podcast and summarizing the conversation
Video formatted for all social channels. Highlighting part of the conversation with the host and guest. All videos will include captions and show logo

Let's dive in

You'll quickly discover our passion for podcasting and our commitment to helping brands amplify their voice in the industry

What's your story?

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